Tactical Field, Bicycle Playing Cards. This deck was produced By The United States Playing Card Company for the military. The box comes sealed with a dark green cellophane. It has a standard "Bicycle" Back that comes in a dark Army "Green" or "Black" but here is the twist, There is no way of knowing which color is in what box until you open the box. I guess when you spend all your time risking your life to defend the freedom of others you could give a shit less about the "Color" on the back of a deck of cards! Thank You to all that have served! The faces of the cards are also standard but the "Red" used in the printing is a darker red, not the standard "Red" in most "Bicycle" decks. The best thing for performers is that stock that was used on these decks was a much better quality then normal. They feel much more like a "Tally-Ho" then a bicycle. I do not believe these decks are still being made even for the Military. I know they are getting very, very hard to find. This deck is a true gem to perform with or to collect. To find the "Tactical Field Deck" or hundreds of other quality decks of cards and "Casino" Supplies please visit my store www.the1eyedjack.com