The Karnival Assassins Deck, Bicycle playing cards. Well they are here and I must say I had mixed thoughts as I have been waiting for this deck. I always like to see new decks come out, it is good for business but when I fist saw the promo photos for the deck I thought WTF? This is looking a bit tacky? It made me think of a comic book or a video game not a deck of cards. So when they showed up on my porch today I did not know what to feel, but The folks a "Big Blind Media" did a great job. The quality is nice, they handle, fan, farrow and perform well I expected all that. What I was really happy to see is the print quality of the cards is very good! The colors are deep and bright and crisp! The card backs have the same nice bright colors as the box. This is something that drives me nuts! You get a new deck and the box has a nice dark black color on it and then you open the box and the cards are more of a charcoal gray. Honestly the "Karnival Midnights" are guilty of this the color of the cards don't look as nice as the box. But they got it right this time and its a dam good thing because if all that red looked "pink" instead of "red" this deck would suck. I don't fault the creators of the deck when this happens, It is much more likely that it is a quality control issue with USPCC. Anyway this deck came out right! Its got great jokers and "Ace of Spades" a "double backer" a "force card" and some goodies printed on the box so it has what the performers need, probably not the best choice for kids cards tricks though.But that is up to you. The deck will stand out from the rest of the collection that's for sure. Never underestimate the power of a skull, gun, coffin, blood and bullets its a great way to say I love you to someone special and the holidays are just around the corner! To find the "Assassins Deck" and hundreds of other quality decks of playing cards and casino products please visit my store www.the1eyedjack.com