Bicycle 125th Anniversary Edition Deck. The USPCC is turning 125 years old in 2010. I don't know if they are having a party? I think there are still trying to get back on track after the big move to "Kentucky" But anyway they have made a new deck to celebrate this historic event. I will be the first person to shake my head at the USPCC for the way they do things but I am thankful for them. I could not image what the "Magic" world would be like without them and there "Bicycle" Playing Cards. i must say that this deck is pretty cool It comes in "Red or "Blue" nice quality, the finish you have come to love some "Old Time" pips, court cards, aces and jokers. I think the back design is real cool! Every card has the anniversary dates on the side of the face. The seal on the box says 125 years and the box is printed in shinny metallic ink which looks real nice, Not the sexiest designed box I have ever seen but it is not suppose to be I guess? Anyway this deck is hard to find right now because it will not be released to the world until 2010. Of course that is the plan right now, who knows what will happen there has been some real strange things happen to decks and the release plan so we will just wait and see. But you can get them right now, I have them. This cost is low and this deck does have huge potently to be a truly great collectible. I am not sure if that will happen with The USPCC in charge of it marketing but we will have to wait and see. This deck is a great deck for performing or everyday play. To get your "Bicycle 125th Anniversary Edition Deck" please visit www.the1eyedjack.com where you will find hundreds of decks of collectible playing cards and quality casino products.