Red Dragon Deck, Bicycle playing cards. Here we have the newest release from "Magic Markers" The "Red Dragon Deck" Well before I go on about this deck I should probably start by saying I am not a big fan of "magic makers" or there decks of playing cards. They have produced may decks over the years and some have been pretty good, others not. I will let you decide for your self about this one but here is my take. The "Red" and "Yellow" box, well it is a bit loud for my taste but it sure as hell stands out from the other decks on the shelf. Anyone who knows me knows I have a love for dragons and I know there are many different types but the dragon on the front of the box? Are you kidding? I have seen nicer dragons on a Chinese food menu. Now that I have that off of my chest, the quality of the deck, well the quality is "Magic Makers" the same as all there other decks middle of the road. The deck does come with some extras a blank face, a double backer, a double backer that is red on one side and yellow on the other and a "dragon" card just in case you cant get enough of that "great" dragon artwork from the front of the box! Hey I know I am beating up this deck, and that is a very silly thing to do as a business man that has theses decks for sale. But everyone has there own likes and dislikes. You may think this is a fantastic deck and you would be right, for you. Its just not for me. When I started this "Blog" I started it to give an honest opinion and I always do that. So if you like this deck please remember this is just "my" opinion and like "Larry Flint" told a supreme court judge " opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" To find the "Red Dragon" deck as well as hundreds of other decks of playing cards for magician, collectors, and guys that have spent 2 years getting artwork of "dragons" tattooed on there back, please visit my store www.the1eyedjack.com