Sentinels Deck, by Theory 11. Well here is the newest release in a long line of brilliant products produced by our friends at Theory 11. The Sentinels Deck. So here you go, The deck is just what you would expect form theory 11, dam cool and 1st class! The box is about as sexy as you can get and the "back design" is among my all time favorites! The quality is... well its theory 11, nuff said! The deck is great top perform with and handles very well. I must admit I am not in love with the face of the cards, the corner pips are very small and although I applaud the design work and originality its just does not get a "rise" out of me, the back design on the other hand "Swing" unbelievable! I love it! As far as for collector's well its not a "bicycle" deck, and that "brand" means a lot to many collectors, but if you are a hardcore "bicycle" fan and you don't pick up this deck just because it does not say "bicycle" you are a fool! This deck is just the current masterpiece from theory11 and I am sure there will be many more to come, great job guys as always I thank you for doing "good" for the playing card and the magic industry. To find the "Sentinels" as well as some "uncut sheets" of the "sentinels deck" please visit my store www.the1eyedjack.com Check out my video review of the Sentinels deck below