Brown Wynn Deck. Lets chat about this deck, it has become one of the most collectible decks over the last year or so. First of all it is a new casino deck that has never been used or opened.It is from one of the most famous casinos in the world "Wynn Casino" in Las Vegas. That alone makes its pretty cool in my book but here is where it gets real sexy. Someone at "Theory 11" got there hands on the entire batch of "Brown Wynn Logo decks" Now before I go any further let me say up front, I think "Theory 11" is one of the best things that has happened to magic in a long time. I love "Theory 11" Well since they control all the "Brown Wynn" they release them in very limited numbers and few and far between.To there credit they also sell them at a very fair price if you can get them during a release window,if you can it sure is your lucky day cause it sure as hell is not easy! Well all that being said they have become one of the most sort after decks on the market and that means the price goes up! Simple supply and demand. Well truth be told they are a very fine deck and handle great, But I do laugh because the same "Wynn Logo" deck is available in "Red" and "Violet" of course you can find the "Red" and "Violet" with nowhere near the difficulty of the "Brown" and this is also reflected in the price. Much, Much cheaper then the brown. As a collector, I understand the value of the "Brown" deck and have no problem with it. It is exactly what a collectible deck should be, A hard to find trophy you place in your collection and brag that you have. As a performer, If you like the look and feel of this deck and you want to perform with it, Use the "Red" or "Violet" they are much cheaper to buy and they are the same dam deck. I know some of you will say "the brown feels just a little different". Well that's just things we as collectors tell ourselves to help justify paying the amount of money we do for the shit we love that other people just don't understand. I do it all the time myself, but its the same dam deck. As a Business Man, If you want to find "Brown Wynns" "Red" or "Violet" please check out www.the1eyedjack.com where you will find these and hundreds of other decks of cards.
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