Black Spider Deck, Bicycle Playing Cards. Well I guess this the spring of 2009 is the spring of the insect. I am not the brightest guy in the world but do I see a pattern here? Well honestly its a pattern I could live without. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with this deck. The deck is made of fine quality and I am happy to have it in my collection. The deck is nice and visual and comes with 3 "gaff" cards and a joker that features the "Spider" The ace of spades also features the "spider". "Magic Makers" makes nice decks of cards that usually feature the "full bleed" color face. I guess "beef" is not with the product but with a lack of creativity in the playing card industry as a whole? We got the "Black Scorpion Deck" about 3 weeks ago, New we get the "Black Spider Deck" if the "Blue Snake" and the "Green Ant" are crawling there way into the market place next, I think I might need to get my "meds" adjusted! For an industry that is made up of performers that are some of the most creative people in the world, Sometimes the products that are produced just lack creativity in my option. Maybe I just realized the problem in the middle of all my blabber! Maybe if only performers were putting out products they would be creative but I guess we have companies putting out products because its good for business. In this economy we do need all the good business we can get. But that being said my hat goes off to "Theory 11" "Big Blind Media" "Ellusionist" "Parody Productons" and everyone else that brakes there ass to design original products for us all the time. Performers, This is a fine deck and you will enjoy performing with it. Collectors, I know you have plenty of "Black" decks on the self but non with a creepy ass spider! Everyone else, as in the "Black Scorpion" Blog if you know anyone that has a "Spider"tattoo, the holidays will be here before you know it and you shopping delema is already solved in mid march! I know this blog may not get you excited to buy a new product, like a blog should but, But it is just my honest feelings( again more on the industry and not this deck itself) I believe honesty will get me many more sales in the long run! If you would like to find, the"Black Spider"Deck or hundreds of decks of playing cards please visit my store. wwwthe1eyedjack.com
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